Welcome to our 6-month calendar of courses and events. If the course you are interested in is not listed here, kindly contact our registrar, Sadhana Kaur at kundaliniyogatherapy@grdcenter.org.


Foundations of Kundalini Yoga Therapy: Principles and Practices (Australia/North & South America)

Level 1 Kundalini Yoga Teacher training prepares us to teach to people who are healthy. A separate set of skills is required to teach to people with health conditions. This training gives Kundalini Yoga teachers the foundation we need to begin to develop those skills and to deepen and expand the application of yogic philosophy, technique and habits of conscious living toward health recovery.

Foundations of Kundalini Yoga Therapy: Principles and Practices (Europe/North & South America)

Level 1 Kundalini Yoga Teacher training prepares us to teach to people who are healthy. A separate set of skills is required to teach to people with health conditions. This training gives Kundalini Yoga teachers the foundation we need to begin to develop those skills and to deepen and expand the application of yogic philosophy, technique and habits of conscious living toward health recovery.

Overcoming Cold Depression (Europe/North & South America)

Cold depression is our single biggest challenge in the Contemporary Age.  It affects vitality of spirit and leads us to take destructive risk and to self-sabotage.  Cold Depression underlies addiction and stress-based illness and is a barrier to success.

Overcoming Cold Depression (Europe/North & South America)

Cold depression is our single biggest challenge in the Contemporary Age.  It affects vitality of spirit and leads us to take destructive risk and to self-sabotage.  Cold Depression underlies addiction and stress-based illness and is a barrier to success.

Foundations of Kundalini Yoga Therapy: Principles and Practices (Europe/North & South America)

Teaching Kundalini Yoga To People With Health Conditions

Level 1 Kundalini Yoga Teacher training prepares us to teach to people who are healthy. A separate set of skills is required to teach to people with health conditions. This training gives Kundalini Yoga teachers the foundation we need to begin to develop those skills and to deepen and expand the application of yogic philosophy, technique and habits of conscious living toward health recovery.


Enseña Kundalini Yoga a personas con problemas de salud.
La formación de profesores de Kundalini Yoga de nivel 1 nos prepara para enseñar a personas sanas. Se requiere un conjunto separado de habilidades para enseñar a las personas con condiciones de salud. Esta formación brinda a los profesores de Kundalini Yoga la base que necesitamos para empezar a desarrollar esas habilidades y para profundizar y ampliar la aplicación de la filosofía yóguica, la técnica y los hábitos de vida consciente hacia la recuperación de la salud.

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