Yoga Therapy is an emerging field in healthcare and a new career option. The International Kundalini Yoga Therapy Certification Training is an accredited 1,000 hour, 30 month program comprised of 13 live or in person segments (courses) and 7 on demand segments. This is our Certification track. This is not simply a sequence of courses you take, finish and get a certificate. You undergo an integrated process that includes clinical supervision, individual mentoring, personal development and a capstone project. You qualify yourself to become a certified Kundalini Yoga Therapist!
The first 3 segments are focused on shifting from being a Kundalini Yoga teacher to becoming a Kundalini Yoga Therapist. They are primarily yoga-focused and take you deep into the consciousness of Kundalini Yoga as therapy. The subsequent segments are focused on assessment and clinical application. They take you into the clinical practice of Kundalini Yoga as therapy.
6 of the 13 segments in the Certification track are open to any Kundalini Yoga teacher without enrolling in, or committing to becoming a certified yoga therapist. All of the 7 on demand segments are also open to any Kundalini Yoga Teacher whether they enroll in the Certification track or not.
By enrolling in the Certification track, trainees receive the added benefit of clinical supervision, individual mentoring and personal development earlier in the process. This integrates the trainees’ development of consciousness, sensitivity, experience and skill.
The International Kundalini Yoga Therapy Certification Training is accredited by the International Association of Yoga Therapists.
In addition to the all the required educational segments, as a Kundalini Yoga Therapy Trainee, you receive:
Individual Mentoring
Individual mentoring provides personal support and reflection; tracking and monitoring your progress, personal development and completion of training.
Clinical Supervision And Practicum
During your practicum hours, you gain skill in clinical Kundalini Yoga Therapy with individual clients in assessment, treatment and tracking clinical outcomes. Clinical supervision provides a progression of skill development and training in key clinical areas including safety, legal and ethical issues.