Year End Gift 2024

Sat Naam,

Thank you for being part of the Global Network of Kundalini Yoga Teachers, Kundalini Yoga Therapists, Researchers, and Supporters who make life better for those we serve.

In 2025, our focus is clear: Kundalini Yoga Therapy for Good and for All. 

By training Kundalini Yoga teachers to become Kundalini Yoga therapists we break new barriers to ensure healing reaches every being, everywhere. 

Your generous support makes this possible.

 To express our gratitude, our 2024 Year End Gift to you is a video on Yoga Therapy Approaches to Prevent Migraine Headaches, with Atma Jot Kaur, the Guru Ram Das Center’s faculty in Europe.

Why this topic?

According to the Global Burden of Disease study, migraines are considered widespread, affecting around 14% of the global population. This translates to roughly 1.1 billion people, making migraine one of the most common neurological diseases worldwide.  

What’s more, studies show a significant increase in migraine prevalence over the past few decades.

On behalf of our faculty, board, and administrative team, we hope the information in this video is helpful to you.

Learn more about our Scholarship Fundraiser #KundaliniYogaTherapyForAll and help us Break Barriers to Whole World Healing.

The Guru Ram Das Center is a leader in the field of Yoga Therapy and offers the World’s Only Accredited Kundalini Yoga Therapy Training.


Individual Courses

Open to All Level 1 Kundalini Yoga Teachers


Do you have students with chronic illness or a life-threatening condition?

Learn how to serve them through Kundalini Yoga and meditation. Guru Ram Das Center offers accredited Kundalini Yoga Therapy training and certification. Level 1 Teacher Training prepares you to teach to healthy people, but you need a different set of skills and a different way of thinking in order to teach Kundalini Yoga therapeutically.

Open to All Kundalini Yoga Teachers

Upcoming Courses & Events

Featured Book

The Principles and Practice of Yoga in Health Care, Second Edition

by Sat Bir KhalsaLorenzo Cohen, Timothy McCall, Shirley Telles & Holger Cramer

This fully updated compendium of research, history, scientific theory, and practice amalgamates various evidence-based research findings and their practical implications for professionals who use yoga or refer patients to yoga practice.

Chapters cover the implementation of yoga for various illnesses and conditions from paediatrics to geriatrics. The expanded second edition includes updated contributions from leading biomedical researchers and therapists, brand new research on telemedicine, chronic pain, and mental health conditions, and a new chapter specifically on the implementation of yoga therapy in medical systems and healthcare with a focus on international perspectives and public perceptions.

Tell us what you think about our pick, and remember that by shopping through our Amazon Associate link you help the GRD Center earn from qualifying purchases!


The day before I started to write this article I sat with eleven other Yoga teachers, each representing a member school of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, each a steward of their Yogic lineage and tradition, each a pioneer in bringing Yoga as a therapy into Western medicine.

After the first Kundalini Yoga for Living With Diabetes class my blood glucose went from 120 down to 86! The amazing thing is, each night it has stayed in the 85-87 range. After the first class I showed this result. I am impressed with what a little yoga and meditation can do.

Thank you for lifting us, inspiring us, coaching and mentoring us as teachers to people with health conditions. Bringing Kundalini Yoga into health care has become my personal mission. Thank you for awakening this in me.

Your encouragement and skill in working with me set my healing in motion with effortless grace. Thank you.