Where There Is Courage, There Is Happiness: Bringing Yoga to the Ukrainian Front Lines

by Shanti Shanti Kaur, published in Yoga Therapy Today, Summer 2024 Issue In late May 2023, I had a conversation with a kundalini yoga teacher trainer in Ukraine. He described […]

Overcoming Cold Depression

Overcoming Cold Depression By Shanti Shanti Kaur Khalsa, PhD, from the teachings of Kundalini Yoga Cold Depression is our single biggest challenge as we integrate into the Aquarian Age. It […]

EL PRANA COMO MEDICINA Respiración, Movimiento, Mudra y Asana (Con un Toque de Mantra)

Los sabios entendieron que somos enteros y completos para empezar. Por lo tanto, la práctica de Kundalini Yoga no es para arreglar algo. En cambio, es para despertar nuestro potencial, […]

Prana as Medicine Breath, Movement, Mudra, and Asana (With a Touch of Mantra)

The sages understood that we are whole and complete to begin with. Therefore, the practice of Kundalini Yoga is not to fix something. Instead, it is to awaken our potential, […]

Meditation is the Ultimate

by Dr. Japa A version of this article was originally published in Greenfiretimes.com, Santa Fe, NM, March 2017. Meditation is a key topic in all of Dr. Khalsa’s presentations and […]

Death and Dying in the Concept of Consciousness

On a cool Tuesday morning in January 1990, Jonathan called. I had been teaching yoga to people living with serious illness for about five years in Los Angeles.

When Did Yoga Therapy Become a “Field?”

The day before I started to write this article I sat with eleven other Yoga teachers, each representing a member school of the International Association of Yoga Therapists, each a steward of their Yogic lineage and tradition, each a pioneer in bringing Yoga as a therapy into Western medicine.

The Psychology of Meditation and Health Recovery

Ruby was an energetic career track executive with a television production company when she was diagnosed with colon cancer at age thirty-four. “Who gets colon cancer at my age? I was devastated.

Helping Yourself Self Regulate

When you are feeling stressed, overwhelmed or experiencing distressing emotions it is helpful to focus on aspects of the physical world, rather than on just your internal thoughts and feelings.