Here is the recipe for making a fun and fabulous home or yoga center hosting possible. Invite about ten friends over for tea and scrumptious snacks. When everyone has had a chance to visit with one another, enjoy the treats and get comfortable, tell them why you have invited them to your home or yoga center. Share your feelings about the work of the Guru Ram Das Center for Medicine and Humanology – your or a friend’s personal experience with the service of the center or about how you have learned to teach Kundalini Yoga and Meditation to people with health conditions. Let your friends and students know that you are committed to making this experience available for many more people and that you have invited them to your home or center to ask them to make that possible through their tax-deductible contribution. (This takes less than 20 minutes!)

Ask everyone to please make a generous donation today and let them know that thanks to a matching gift of $1,000 from a generous donor, THEIR GIFT GOES TWICE AS FAR! The first donors double their impact. Their donation helps us reach the $1,000 challenge and beyond. Their support–and yours–makes our service possible.

Did you know we are the only non profit organization in the world that provides Kundalini Yoga and Meditation to people with chronic or life threatening illness and their family members? That trains Kundalini Yoga teachers and health professionals worldwide to bring these techniques to people at the most critical time in their life?

Now offer everyone seconds on tea and treats, and let them know that you are happy to talk more about Guru Ram Das Center for Medicine and Humanology. We will be pleased to provide you with information about why the Guru Ram Das Center is needed, (did you know we are the only non profit organization in the world that provides ) what our services are and our plans for the future. We will send letters of thanks and tax deductibility to your friends and students who have donated. It is a lot of fun to call them back and thank them for their support.

Are you on Facebook? Let all your friends know that a donation to Guru Ram Das Center would be the PERFECT holiday gift. Or that they can do their holiday shopping online through our Shopping page. We are partners with Amazon, Spirit Voyage and and we receive a percentage of every purchase through our website with no extra cost to you. Effortless giving!

Questions? Contact Us