Meditation for Wealth and Intuitive Opportunity

Before each meeting of the board of directors of the Guru Ram Das Center for Medicine & Humanology, we practice the Meditation for Wealth and Intuitive Opportunity together. This meditation aligns one’s psyche with the soul and allows ease in life.

Now is the time for each of us to accept and receive prosperity in all areas of life.

Click here for a copy of the meditation from a manual compiled by Harijot Kaur. Let us know what the practice of this meditation brings you.

Disclaimer: There is no doubt that the practice of yoga has benefited millions of people. However, any therapeutic benefits attributed come from centuries old yogic tradition, and no medical claims are made here. What is written on our website is not intended as medical advice of any kind. Its intent is solely for information and education. Please consult a qualified, licensed health professional whenever the need for one is indicated.