Welcome to our 6-month calendar of courses and events. If the course you are interested in is not listed here, kindly contact our registrar, Sadhana Kaur at kundaliniyogatherapy@grdcenter.org.
- This course has passed.
Foundations of Kundalini Yoga Therapy: Principles and Practices (Europe/North & South America – In Spanish & English)
March 3, 2022 - March 6, 2022
International Kundalini Yoga Therapy Professional Training
This is the course to get started! It is a prerequisite for further Kundalini Yoga Therapy training.
Open to all Kundalini Yoga Teachers and Yoga Therapists from any tradition – Offered in English (with Spanish translations) Online For Europe, North America & South America time zones.
Learn How to Teach Kundalini Yoga To People With Health Conditions Safely & Effectively
Level 1 Teacher training prepares you to teach people who are healthy. A separate set of skills and a different way of thinking are required to teach people with health conditions. This training gives you the foundation you need to develop the skills to safely and effectively teach Kundalini Yoga to people facing health challenges.
Foundations of Kundalini Yoga Therapy: Principles and Practices is the 1st segment of the 1,120 hour International Kundalini Yoga Therapy Professional Training and is open to Kundalini Yoga Therapists in training and Kundalini Yoga teachers. Those Kundalini Yoga teachers who are in the integrative healing arts find this training especially useful.
Las personas llegan a Kundalini Yoga con la intención de arreglar algo y lograr recuperarse de alguna situación emocional o de salud. La Formación de Maestros de Nivel 1, nos permite dar clases de Kundalini Yoga a personas “saludables”, sin embargo, para poder atender a personas con condiciones específicas, es necesario que tengamos una serie de herramientas y un nuevo paradigma de pensamiento respecto a la atención de la salud.
Este módulo de 4 días ofrece los principios básicos sobre cómo enseñar a personas con necesidades especiales para la recuperación de su salud física, mental y emocional, desarrollando las habilidades para enseñar clases de Kundalini Yoga Terapéutico de manera segura y efectiva.
In This Course You Will:
- Explore the importance of building vitality for change.
- Practice the skillful art of co-regulation.
- Identify and meet the student at their starting point. Mobilize inner resources.
- Experience the differences between a Yoga Teacher, a Yogic Healer and a Yoga Therapist.
- Practice the skill of teaching in the language of exploration and interoception that connects the student to a grounded inner experience.
- Identify key components of the psychology of health recovery.
- Learn how to include the student’s friends and family for support.
- Identify the process of layering and the unique pace of a therapeutic Kundalini Yoga class.
- Develop awareness, strength and subtlety of the sensory system, intuition, compassion, deep listening, sensitivity, humility, endurance, radiance and grace.
A eight-week Kundalini Yoga curriculum for a mixed conditions group class are included.
Los temas incluyen:
- Principios clave para enseñar Kundalini Yoga de manera Terapéutica
- Diferencias entre Maestro de Yoga vs. Terapeuta o Sanador Yóguico
- Construir la vitalidad para el cambio
- Cultivar la intercepción y auto-guía
- El lenguaje para enseñar Kundalini Yoga terapéuticamente
- La estructura de una clase de Kundalini Yoga Terapéutico
- La psicología de la Recuperación de la Salud
- Cómo incluir a la familia y amigos como apoyo
- Incluye una currícula de 8 semanas de clases privadas o en grupo para la Recuperación de la Salud
El módulo se enfoca especialmente en desarrollar las habilidades personales del maestro en temas como: atención plena, intuición, compasión, escucha profunda, sensibilidad, humildad, resiliencia y gracia.
* Requisitos: Ser Maestro certificado de Kundalini Yoga Nivel 1. Para obtener el certificado del módulo: asistencia completa los 4 días del curso, prácticas personales y entrega de tareas en un plazo de 90 días.
When: March 3-6, 2022 from 5:30p – 9:30p Berlin, Germany – Chile 1:30p – 5:30p – NYC 11:30a – 3:30p EST
The online session is 4 hours. Please allow for 3.5-4 hours of required independent work outside of online class per day. In order to receive a certificate of completion, participation for full duration of the course, including class discussions and breakout rooms and completion of homework are required. When on Zoom, camera will be on unless agreed upon with faculty.
Cuando: Del 3 al 6 de marzo de 2022 de 5:30p – 9:30p Berlín, Alemania – Chile 1:30p – 5:30p – NYC 11:30a – 3:30p EST
La sesión en línea es de 4 horas. Por favor, prevea entre 3,5 y 4 horas de trabajo independiente requerido fuera de la clase en línea por día. Para recibir un certificado de finalización, se requiere la participación durante toda la duración del curso, incluyendo las discusiones en clase y las salas de descanso y la realización de los deberes. Cuando se encuentre en Zoom, la cámara estará encendida a menos que se acuerde con el profesorado.
Course Investment: Early bird (before February 3) $599 – Full investment $749
Inversión: 1 pago: $325 USD – 3 pagos: $375 USD
The 20 latest Blog Posts
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- Why Kundalini Yoga Therapy? Sat Bir Singh, PhD, Explains…
- Help Ukrainian KY Teachers Repair Lives
- Overcome Cold Depression
- Ukrainian KY Teachers Need Your Help!
- Research on the Psychology of Health Recovery and Pauri Kriya
- Overcoming Cold Depression
- Inner Sun Meditation for Viral Protection
- EL PRANA COMO MEDICINA Respiración, Movimiento, Mudra y Asana (Con un Toque de Mantra)
- Prana as Medicine Breath, Movement, Mudra, and Asana (With a Touch of Mantra)
- EL PRANA COMO MEDICINA Respiración, Movimiento, Mudra y Asana (Con un Toque de Mantra)
- Host a Fundraiser
- Overcoming Cold Depression
- A Systematic Review of Transcendent States
- A Yoga Program for Cognitive Enhancement
- Meditation is the Ultimate
Resistance - Death and Dying in the Concept of Consciousness
- When Did Yoga Therapy Become a “Field?”
- The Psychology of Meditation and Health Recovery
- Helping Yourself Self Regulate
Available Pages
- Articles
- Basant Ki Vaar
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- Books – Shakti Parwha Kaur
- Celestial Communication for Transforming Grief
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- Guidelines for Beginners
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- Kundalini Yoga & Meditation
- Kundalini Yoga for Releasing Inner Anger
- Kundalini Yoga Set to Recharge Yourself
- Meditation for Release of Cold Depression
- Meditation for Wealth and Intuitive Opportunity
- Miracle Mantra
- Music
- Power of the Master’s Touch Meditation
- Prana as Medicine
- Reading List
- Seven-Wave Sat Nam Meditation
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- Giving Gala Thank You
- HOPE FOR HEALTHCARE – Government Approve Us
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- Kundalini Yoga Therapy Research
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