This segment is required before clinical practicum begins.
Open to those enrolled in the certification track only.
Assessment and Treatment Planning is one of 14 in-person segments of the 1,120 hour International Kundalini Yoga Therapy Professional Training and is open to those enrolled in the certification track.
In This Course You Will Learn:
The yogic understanding of the process of change, the therapeutic relationship, how to administer a comprehensive assessment, form a treatment plan and track progress over time. The application of numerology as an assessment tool, motivational interviewing for changing health behavior, a process for helping your clients change self-limiting beliefs, and the influence of social determinants of illness and health are detailed.
When: This is a 6-day online training – June 7-12 2:30p – 6:30p Mountain/Denver North America – June 8-13 8:30a – 12:30p Melbourne, Australia
Course Investment: You must be enrolled in the certification track. The cost of this course is included in the certification track tuition.
Registration: For more information and to enroll in the certification track, contact Inderjot at