23.11. – 25.11.2018 Gröbenzell near Munich, Germany

Kursreihe Transformation Intensive: Transformiere Angst und Depression (Segment 5)

Atma Jot Kaur
(Kurssprache Deutsch)

Anxiety and depression are among the most common struggles of our students. In this training you will develop the specific skills a Kundalini Yoga teacher needs to compassionately and effectively serve people with these concerns. In this course we explore:

  • The relationship of the brain, glandular and nervous systems to anxiety and depression
  • How Prana Vayus, Chakras and Ten Bodies provide avenues for transformation
  • How Pranayama, Mantra and Kriya restore self regulation and recovery
  • The latest yoga and meditation research for anxiety and depression
  • How to support transition from anxiety and depression to calm, confident energy
  • Curriculum for group and private classes

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